Income Generation Activity to bring out of school children to school

2023-12-21T02:39:37+00:00July 11th, 2023|EAC, Education, LEAP, Oromia Region, Uncategorized|

“I am glad I am getting an opportunity to go back to school after dropping out for a year” says Sitota Kassa, previously identified as an orphaned and vulnerable out of school child at Goro Primary School in the district of Bale zone, Oromia region. As his mother’s only boy, and his father passing away

A Lifechanging Vision of Usman for his Community

2023-12-21T02:38:19+00:00July 11th, 2023|EAC, Education, LEAP, Oromia Region|

Usman Husein has been the chairman for the Parents Teachers and Students Union Committee at Wayu Hora School, a grade 12 graduate himself. He has been serving the school since 2011. As a father of five sons and three daughters, Usman feels drawn to helping his school. “Since Imagine1day came to us, capacity building, awareness

Encouraging Reading: Mr. Piers Blake Reading Park at Dimtu Secondary School

2023-12-21T02:41:32+00:00July 10th, 2023|Costa Foundation, Oromia Region|

Tuesday, May 16, 2023, marked the official inauguration of Mr. Piers Blake Reading Park at the Costa Foundation’s Dimtu Secondary School. The park, built in November of 2022, at Dimtu Secondary School, provides a place for children to relax, read, and spend time with each other. Put together by the Dimtu community, the space encourages

Ibsa’s journey to schooling after a year of dropout

2023-08-08T02:49:01+00:00June 13th, 2023|EAC, Education, LEAP, Oromia Region|

Ibsa Jamal Ahmed is an 11-year-old grade 4 student at Kumbi primary school, one of the 60 target schools in Harena Buluk District supported by EAC’S Leaders Educators and parents (LEAP) Project Target Schools in the Oromia, Bale Zone. Ibsa dropped out of school for one year because there was no one to support him

Nine years after dropping out, Nesru gets a second chance at school

2023-06-13T22:57:31+00:00June 13th, 2023|Costa Foundation, Education, Oromia Region|

“Had Costa Foundation not opened Choche Keta Muduga Preparatory School, chances are I would have been a daily labourer my entire life,” says Nesru Abdu, who after dropping out of grade 9, spent nine years out of school. The nearest secondary school around Choche community requires a six hour round trip to access. Only a

Empowering Orphans and Vulnerable Children with the Capacity to Stay in School

2023-06-13T10:35:52+00:00June 13th, 2023|EAC, Education, Oromia Region|

“I wasn’t in a position to afford our daily meals let alone cover my kid’s school expenses as a daily laborer and a single mom. The sheep imagine1day has provided my daughter as one of the orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) has equipped me with the ability to keep her in school. I thank EAC

Mohammed’s Story: Chasing His Dream While Playing His Parental Role

2023-06-13T10:20:31+00:00June 13th, 2023|EAC, Education, Oromia Region|

“I went back to school 24 years after dropping out just to make sure my kids could get all the support they need from me to be outstanding students. My eldest child Indaya Mohammed had attended spiritual education when she was younger and she completed it at the top of her class, I was very

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