Tuesday, May 16, 2023, marked the official inauguration of Mr. Piers Blake Reading Park at the Costa Foundation’s Dimtu Secondary School. The park, built in November of 2022, at Dimtu Secondary School, provides a place for children to relax, read, and spend time with each other. Put together by the Dimtu community, the space encourages the children to borrow books from the library and utilize the space at their own leisure. This park speaks to the Costa Foundations’ contributions, which are responsible for the opening of Dimtu Secondary School itself. With their generous donations and determination to reach the children of the Dimtu community, many would be able to reach education, much less have a safe, and comfortable place to practice reading.
The children sat with Mr. Piers Blake, exemplifying their reading ability in both English and Amharic. The books, provided by imagine1day, allow the children to extend their reading and learning outside of class. Teachers and children expressed the importance of these books to extend reading beyond the curriculum and make students excited to learn. The park was built with multiple peaceful reading places, allowing children to feel safe and enjoy their time outside.
As he goes into his retirement, his contributions to education, children, and communities in Ethiopia will not be forgotten. Although his name is now transcribed in the school park, his legacy will be transcribed in our country forever.
On behalf of the community, Usman had inspiring final words for us, “I’d like to thank the Wayu Hora Kebele community, and the leadership of the Wayu Hora Kebele, who supported the school in this success. Above all, EAC and Imagine1day, who are the heros of development that came to us at the time we needed them. You will be the first and most successful organization in the whole world.