“I had lost all hope that my life could be any better, but then imagine1day’s education opportunity enabled me to dream of a bright future,” says Kaliti Galgalo, who was able to access at-home education via radio after a more than a two-year absence from school.
Kaliti was just 10 years old when she was displaced from the East Guji zone of the Oromia region during the Ethio-Somali border conflict, suffering trauma as a result.
Kaliti said, “Me, my siblings, and my parents were all running in different directions into the forest to save our lives. I had nightmares for so long after directly witnessing people being killed. The fact that two of my siblings went missing three weeks after the rest of the family settled depressed me even more. I used to believe that any new people from outside my community would only hurt me.”
But Kaliti’s beliefs and worries changed dramatically after imagine1day provided multidimensional, intervention- education COVID-19 prevention and child protection services to her and her family.
“After the direct impact of the intervention, I felt positive for the first time in two years. It has convinced me that there are nice people outside my community. It has made me realize I still have opportunities and options beyond marriage, which is like a rebirth for me,” says Kaliti as an expression of happiness splashes across her face.
Kaliti is making the most out of her second chance at life made possible by imagine1day. Not only does she attend her regularly scheduled education program, but she has also built the confidence to ask questions when she is unclear about the educational radio programs.
Kaliti commented, “Afan Oromo and Environmental Science are my favourite subjects and I easily understand both. I found English and math a bit more difficult and would always ask for clarification from both my fellow students as well as the social workers of imagine1day. I am enjoying my life and I am studying hard. I want to be a doctor and provide local medical access to my community who currently has to travel 43 kilometres in order to access proper health services. I heartily thank imagine1day and UNICEF for changing my life for good.”