The project is implemented by Global Water Challenge’s partnership with imagine1day and The Coca-Cola Foundation’s donation of over 2.5 million Ethiopian Birr.
It was planned to build 5 waterpoints, 25,000 liters reservoir and to extend 5.2km pipeline in Gende Gara, Gende Gedi, Gende Biyo and Gende Kawa Kebele’s of Hule Mojo Community as well as in Hulule Mojo Primary School and Hulule Mojo Health Post.
Six waterpoints and 25,000 liters reservoir are built, one nonfunctioning waterpoint is maintained and 5.2km pipeline extended actually with the project.
The sixth waterpoint is built after Gende Kawa Kebele resident’s request for a second waterpoint as the Kebele is densely populated.
Dire Dawa City Water, Mine and Energy Bureau contributed 1km old pipeline estimated to cost 500,000 Ethiopian Birr for the success of the project.
The project was planned to directly benefit 5,065 people living in the Hulule Mojo community but it actually has created access to clean water for over 6,300 people.
To assure sustainability 32 WASHCO (WASH Committee) members (29 community members as well as Hulule Mojo School Principal, Hulule Mojo Community Manager, and Chairperson) are trained on water management and basic maintenance skills.
The water project is inaugurated on the 26th of May, 2021 in Hulule Mojo Primary school at the presence of varied government officials including the deputy mayor of Dire Dawa City, representatives from The Coca-Cola Foundation and imagine1day as well as the community and the school community.