“It is for the first time in my life that I have witnessed and be part of such kind of training as woman in Hulule Mojo community,” says Feriya Mohammed, participant of WASHCO training given as part of Hulule Mojo IS-WASH project. Women are the ones responsible for fetching water walking long distance on foot in Hulule mojo community as in most remote areas of Ethiopia.
Feriya says, “Being a mother of four It was hard enough to get my daily chore done given my only daughter is too young to help me. Fetching water is the toughest of all for I have to travel three hours back and forth to get unclean water. The fact that I have to collect water at least twice a day, even makes it tiresome and time taking. The Coca Cola’s IS-WASH project has changed everything for good. It has empowered me in many ways.”
The project encompasses construction of 4 water points for the community, two water taps for a school and health post, spring development as well as reservoir that created access to clean water for 4,128 are residents of Hulule Mojo. Feriya and her family were suffering from waterborne disease drinking the unclean water before the project happened in their community.